138 European Parliamentarians urge EU action on Israeli settlement plans in E1 and forced dispossession of Palestinians in Masafer Yatta

138 European Parliamentarians from 12 European Union countries (from national parliaments and the European Parliament) have written to the European Union's High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borell. It addresses the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, notably on two Israeli decisions which both constitute grave breaches of international law; the E1 settlement plan and the planned and continued forced dispossessions and demolitions of some of the most vulnerable Palestinian communities in Masafer Yatta in the South Hebron Hills. 

The letter was co-ordinated by the European Parliamentarians for Israeli-Palestinian Equality (EPIPE) network, which Caabu acts as the Secretariat for. A response from Josep Borell to the 138 European Parliamentarians was received on 1 August 2022, which can be found at the bottom of the page. We are concerned that there is no clear explicit reference to the illegality of the settlements including E1. 

12 July 2022

We are writing to you regarding the extremely serious situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory with respect to two recent Israeli decisions both of which constitute grave breaches of international law. They will have a huge impact on the human rights of vulnerable Palestinian communities as well as threaten any remaining chances of the EU’s preferred two-state solution.  

The Israeli authorities are moving ahead with the E1 doomsday settlement plan. The West Bank Planning Committee will probably approve E1 on 12 September. If approved, we will be two pen strokes away from full statutory validity. The E-1 plan can be signed into law in a matter of minutes, at any time and with no advanced warning. 

The EU and the US have consistently and successfully opposed this, deeming such a move to be a “red line.”  Owing to its size and location, E1 would split the West Bank, separate East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank and make a viable sovereign independent Palestinian state impossible. It would also see the forced dispossession of thousands from Palestinian herding communities.  

Forcible dispossession is also happening following the Supreme Court decision of 4 May on Masafer Yatta in the South Hebron hills.  These communities have lived under threat of demolition since the 1980s and 700 were actually expelled for a period in 1999. As with E1, this is a grave breach of international law which could see over 1,100 Palestinians, including 569 children, forcibly dispossessed. Israel has already started demolitions. 

Such actions underpin Israel’s ongoing annexation of Palestinian territory and will further entrench a one-state reality of unequal rights and perpetual occupation. This has led human rights organisations to describe this as apartheid. 

We urge the EU at all levels to oppose all processes of the forcible dispossession of Palestinians including these two measures and the intensified settlement activity in East Jerusalem at Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan in the strongest possible terms. Failure to do so will imperil future chances for peace and further undermine the international rules-based system. Only an urgent, robust response from the EU and its partners will have any chance of preventing these steps, which the Israeli Government need not and must not take. The message now to Israel’s incoming Prime Minister must be clear: do not take forward illegal and unacceptable plans in E1 and Masafer Yatta. 

Hussein al-Taee MP, Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (SDP), Finland 

Pedro Anastácio MP, Partido Socialista (PS), Portugal 

Chris Andrews TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Margrete Auken MEP, Socialistisk Folkeparti (SF) in the Greens/EFA, European Parliament, Denmark 

Ivana Bacik TD, Leader of the Labour Party, Ireland 

Pernando Barrena MEP, Eh Bildu in the Left – GUE/NGL, European Parliament, Spain 

Malik Ben Achour MP, Parti Socialiste (PS), Belgium 

Silvia Benedetti MP, Misto - ManifestA Potere al Popolo Rifondazione Comunista Sinistra Europea, Italy 

Senator Frances Black, Independent, Ireland 

Laura Boldrini MP, Former President of the Chamber of Deputies, Partito Democratico (PD), Italy 

Chanelle Bonaventure MP, Parti Socialiste (PS), Belgium 

Marc Botenga MEP, Parti du Travail de Belgique (PVDA-PTB), in the Left – GUE/NGL, European Parliament, Belgium 

Richard Boyd Barrett TD, People Before Profit – Solidarity, Ireland 

Senator Lynn Boylan, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

John Brady TD, Sinn Féin spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Defence, Ireland 

Saskia Bricmont MEP, Ecolo-Groen in the Greens/EFA, European Parliament, Belgium 

Martin Browne TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Pat Buckley TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Holly Cairns TD, Social Democrats, Ireland 

Matt Carthy TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Sara Cerdas MEP, Partido Socialista (PS) in Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), European Parliament, Portugal 

Sorca Clarke TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Joan Collins TD, Independents For Change, Ireland 

Rose Conway-Walsh TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Patrick Costello TD, Green Party, Ireland  

Réada Cronin TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Seán Crowe TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

David Cullinane TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Clare Daly MEP, Independents for Change in the Left – GUE/NGL, European Parliament, Ireland 

Pa Daly TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Rosa D’Amato MEP, Independent in the Greens/EFA, European Parliament, Italy 

Guillaume Defossé MP, Ecolo-Groen, Belgium 

Jean-Marc Delizée MP, Parti Socialiste (PS), Belgium 

Özlem Demirel MEP, Die Linke in the Left – GUE/NGL, European Parliament, Germany 

Steven De Vuyst MP, Partij van de Arbeid van België (PVDA-PTB), Belgium 

Pearse Doherty TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Paul Donnelly TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Miguel dos Santos Rodrigues MP, Partido Socialista (PS), Portugal 

Yana Ehm MP, Misto - ManifestA Potere al Popolo Rifondazione Comunista Sinistra Europea, Italy 

Senator Gorka Elejabarrieta, Eh Bildu, Spain 

Dessie Ellis TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Eleonara Evi MEP, Europa Verde in the Greens/EFA, European Parliament, Italy 

Mairéad Farrell TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Tarja Filatov MP, Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (SDP), Finland 

André Flahaut MP, Parti Socialiste (PS), Belgium 

Luke Ming Flanagan MEP, Independent in the Left – GUE/NGL, European Parliament, Ireland 

Kathleen Funchion TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Gary Gannon TD, Social Democrats, Ireland 

Senator Paul Gavan, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Thomas Gould TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland  

Johnny Guirke TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Mélissa Hanus MP, Parti Socialiste (PS), Belgium 

Marian Harkin TD, Independent, Ireland 

Satu Hassi MP, Vihreät-De Gröna (VIHR), Finland 

Seán Haughey TD, Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Ireland 

Emer Higgins TD, Fine Gael, Ireland 

Senator Annie Hoey, Labour Party, Ireland 

Veronika Honkasalo MP, Vasemmistoliitto, Finland 

Inka Hopsu MP, Vihreät-De Gröna (VIHR), Finland 

Evin Incir MEP, Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Arbetareparti (S/SAP) in Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), European Parliament, Sweden  

Hubert Julien-Laferrière, La République En Marche! (LREM), France 

Gino Kenny TD, People Before Profit – Solidarity, Ireland 

Martin Kenny TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Claire Kerrane TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Kimmo Kiljunen MP, Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (SDP), Finland 

Kateřina Konečná MEP, Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy (KSČM) in the Left – GUE/NGL, European Parliament, Czechia 

Stelios Kouloglou MEP, Syriza in the Left – GUE/NGL, European Parliament, Greece 

Christophe Lacroix MP, Parti Socialiste (PS), Belgium 

Leslie Leoni MP, Parti Socialiste (PS), Belgium 

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Chris MacManus MEP, Sinn Féin in the Left – GUE/NGL, European Parliament, Ireland 

Mary Lou McDonald TD, Leader of Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Senator Michael McDowell, Independent, Ireland 

Margarida Marques MEP, Partido Socialista (PS) in Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), European Parliament, Portugal 

Miguel Costa Matos MP, Partido Socialista (PS), Portugal 

Karen Melchior MEP, Radikale Venstre in Renew Europe, European Parliament, Denmark  

Denise Mitchell TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Simon Moutquin MP, Ecolo-Groen, Belgium 

Senator Rebecca Moynihan, Labour Party, Ireland 

Imelda Munster TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Catherine Murphy TD, Joint-Leader of the Social Democrats, Ireland 

Paul Murphy TD, People Before Profit – Solidarity, Ireland 

Johnny Mythen TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Ville Niinistö MEP, Vihreät-De Gröna (VIHR) in the Greens/EFA, European Parliament, Finland 

Senator David Norris, Father of the House, Seanad, Independent, Ireland 

Senator Paola Nugnes, Misto - ManifestA Potere al Popolo Rifondazione Comunista Sinistra Europea, Italy 

Joe O'Brien TD, Minister of State at the Department of Rural and Community Development, Green Party, Ireland   

Eoin Ó Broin TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Cian O'Callaghan TD, Social Democrats, Ireland 

Senator Niall Ó Donnghaile, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Ruairí Ó Murchú TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Senator Joe O’Reilly, Fine Gael, Ireland 

Louise O'Reilly TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Darren O'Rourke TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Grace O’Sullivan MEP, Green Party in the Greens/EFA, European Parliament, Ireland 

Sandra Pereira MEP, Partido Comunista Português (PCP), in the Left – GUE/NGL, European Parliament, Portugal 

Kira Marie Peter Hansen MEP, Socialistisk Folkeparti (SF) in the Greens/EFA, European Parliament, Denmark 

João Pimenta Lopes MEP, Partido Comunista Português (PCP), in the Left – GUE/NGL, European Parliament, Portugal 

Manu Pineda MEP, Izquierda Unida, in the Left – GUE/NGL, European Parliament, Spain  

Paulo Pisco MP, Partido Socialista (PS), Portugal 

Maurice Quinlivan TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Sira Rego MEP, Izquierda Unida, in the Left – GUE/NGL, European Parliament, Spain  

Vicky Reynaert MP, Vooruit, Belgium 

Diana Riba I Giner MEP, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya in the Greens/EFA, European Parliament, Spain 

María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop MEP, Podemos in the Left – GUE/NGL, European Parliament, Spain 

María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos MEP, Ciudadanos – Partido de la Ciudadanía, in Renew Europe, European Parliament, Spain 

Patricia Ryan TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Joana Sá Pereira MP, Partido Socialista (PS), Portugal 

Jussi Saramo MP, Vasemmistoliitto, Finland 

Doriana Sarli MP, Misto - ManifestA Potere al Popolo Rifondazione Comunista Sinistra Europea, Italy 

Mounir Satouri MEP, Europe Écologie Les Verts in the Greens/EFA, European Parliament, France 

Daniel Senesael MP, Parti Socialiste (PS), Belgium 

Senator Marie Sherlock, Labour Party, Ireland 

Róisín Shortall TD, Joint-Leader of the Social Democrats, Ireland 

Brid Smith TD, People Before Profit – Solidarity, Ireland 

Jordi Solé MEP, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya in the Greens/EFA, European Parliament, Spain 

Carla Sousa MP, Partido Socialista (PS), Portugal 

Brian Stanley TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Simona Suriano MP, Misto - ManifestA Potere al Popolo Rifondazione Comunista Sinistra Europea, Italy 

Sophie Thémont MP, Parti Socialiste (PS), Belgium 

Eric Thiébaut MP, Parti Socialiste (PS), Belgium 

Peadar Tóibín TD, Aontú, Ireland 

Pauline Tully TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Erkki Tuomioja MP, former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (SDP), Finland 

Ernest Urtasun MEP, Catalunya en Comú, in the Greens/EFA, European Parliament, Spain 

Tom van der Lee MP, foreign affairs spokesperson, GroenLinks, The Netherlands 

Hilde Vautmans MEP, Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten (Open VLD) in Renew Europe, European Parliament, Belgium 

Idoia Villanueva Ruiz MEP, Podemos in the Left – GUE/NGL, European Parliament, Spain 

Senator Mark Wall, Labour Party, Ireland  

Mick Wallace MEP, Independents for Change in the Left – GUE/NGL, European Parliament, Ireland 

Senator Barry Ward, Fine Gael, Ireland 

Mark Ward TD, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Senator Fintan Warfield, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Jennifer Whitmore TD, Social Democrats, Ireland 

Salima Yenbou MEP, Europe Écologie Les Verts in Renew Europe, European Parliament, France 

Laurence Zanchetta MP, Parti Socialiste (PS), Belgium 

Letter Borell 138 European Parliamentarians E1 Masafer Yatta






On 1 August 2022, Josep Borell responded to the letter from 138 European Parliamentarians on E1 and Masafer Yatta.We are concerned that there is no clear explicit reference to the illegality of the settlements including E1.

Josep Borell E1 Masafer Yatta

Josep Boreel E1 Masafer Yatta